
31 jan 2017

I have all these ideas for photoshoots and art pieces and shows I want to put together and projects and collaborations and books and portfolios and films and short films and music videos and and and.. its never ending. This life has so much to inspire me and is continuously giving me new ideas. Ever so slowly I’ve been working towards making my time about actually revolving around this inspiration. The closer I get the more at home I feel. I have these ideas all written down, it feels like a book of treasures just sitting patiently in my pocket. I’ll read through them when I’m stuck in the airport or on a long trip with no internet. I’ll add to them, adjust them, delete the bad ones. When i’m able to grab just the right model or find just the right location or just the right medium, its spectacular. The inspiration is just flowing about in the air, coming right off the muse and filling everyone up in the room. If I had my way, I would wake up slow do yoga, eat a delicious healthy lunch and make art until way past the sunset, everyday. Soon. Soon I will know this life. Just wait…

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